Federal prosecutors say that one agent has died and used a gun purchased by a person interested in double murder in Pennsylvania. I mentioned on Monday.
Women’s Teresayan Blue was in a car with the German citizen, Felix Backholt, when the border guard agent pulled them on January 20 to conduct immigration tests on January 20. According to the court document, it encourages at least one.
One of the agents, David, Chris, Maland, 44, was killed in a gunfight. Youngblut was injured, according to a court document that Buckholt was fatally shot after drawing a gun. Court documents do not clarify whether Young Brot was hit by one of the bullets that were said to have been fired, or whether a shot from a fellow agent.

The shooting occurred on a rural highway in Orleans County, about 20 miles south of the Canadian border.
Youngblut will be arrested on the afternoon of Monday by two federal governments, such as attacking border guard agents with fatal weapons.
In a court document submitted on Monday, the Federal Prosecutor of Vermont said that both Young Blue and Backholt owned firearms purchased by residents in the state in February 2024. According to prosecutors, Pennsylvania said.
Backholt flew to the United States a few hours before Pennsylvania’s murder. Prosecutors also stated that Young Blue was “frequently contacted” with individuals detained during the double murder.
Federal prosecutors also said that they were interested in murder investigations in Valleyho, California. Other details are not provided.
The prosecutor asked the judge to keep the Young Blue in prison, claiming that she was dangerous for the community and had a flight risk. They pointed out that her main residence had not been established and her relationship with Vermont was unknown.

“The original peaceful interaction between the US border security squad and the resident of the vehicle became a conflict based on the defendant’s actions, and then escalated into unnecessary and mysterious violence.” They said in a court submission.
Prosecutors say that Youngblut and Backholt are traveling with a large -scale collection of weapons and tactical equipment, including 48 -round hollow point ammunition, ballistic helmets, and night vision equipment.
According to a court document, the pair has been monitored since January 14th by the National Land Security Survey.
A document states that a hotel employee in Lindanville, Vermont, has contacted the enforcement agency and reported concerns about women and women who checked in to the hotel. It is said that a woman who later identified as Youngblut would carry “clear firearms with exposed carryhol stars”. Both Backholt and Youngblut were wearing “all black and tactical clothes with protective equipment”, according to court documents.
According to a court document, when the Toyota Prius, which they were, were drawn, the registered owner of the vehicle seemed to have a expired visa in the Database of the Ministry of Land and security. However, the FBI states that Backholt has actually obtained his current visa.