A missing 7-year-old boy survived alone for five days with elephants and lions in an African zoo. Zimbabwean politicians are calling this a “true miracle.”
Mutsa Mlombezi, a member of Zimbabwe’s parliament, wrote in a post on
Officials said Pudu had walked about 25 miles from his home when he was discovered by rangers at the Matusadona African Park.

Seven-year-old Tinotenda Pudu was found safe after spending five days in the African jungle.
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“After spending (5) long and harrowing days in the jungle near the Hogwe River, which flows into the Ume River, the boy was found alive,” Mrombezi said in a statement. “Being surrounded by the roar of lions, sleeping on rocky perches, walking past elephants, eating wild fruit, and just eating the unforgiving wild is too much for a 7-year-old.”

The boy survived for five days surrounded by lions and elephants.
According to the African Park website, the park is home to lions, leopards, buffalo, zebras, elephants, hippos and antelopes.
Outside of China, pandas can only be found in five zoos around the world:
Mrombezi said the Nyaminyami community beat the drums every night in the hope that the boy would hear the sound and return home.

An African bush elephant walks along a red dirt road in Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa. (Arterra/Marica van der Meer/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
“Most of all, I would like to thank God for watching over Tinotenda and bringing him safely home,” she said. “This is a testament to unity, hope, prayer and the strength to never give up.”
Officials confirmed to the BBC the age of the child.