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Pinned to the top of Elon Musk’s X account is a six-minute clip from a recent three-hour interview with podcaster Joe Rogan.
“This is why Democrats want to destroy me,” Musk says. Preview the clip. There, Democrats say they plan to use qualification spending, including social security, Medicare and disability payments.
Musk’s claim is that if there is evidence that he is right, it would be truly frightening. there is no. It owes some similarities to Trump’s allegations that immigrants are “blood poisoning” in the country or “exchange theory” on the far right.
Musk does not provide evidence that a large number of undocumented people will vote in US elections. He does not provide evidence that many undocumented people have acquired Social Security benefits, Medicare, or disability, nor does he provide evidence that Democrats are actively planning against him because they exposed these allegations that he has not provided evidence. (He faces a serious pushback to his efforts to dismantle federal elements.)
There is arguing that such paranoid conspiracy theories should not be amplified, but this particular conspiracy theory appears to be behind Musk’s talk about the need to modify Social Security, Medicare and other qualification spending programs.
It is certainly true that spending on these programs is a country on an unsustainable fiscal path, but Musk has not spoken about them as a legitimate programme that requires reform. He talks about them as a fraudulent scheme. It will surprise tens of millions of American citizens who depend on them.
Logan appears to be blowing his mind away with Musk’s conspiracy theory, and Musk encourages listeners to “do your own research” to verify his claims.
In the flow, there is a starter kit to actually do your own research on some of the things he says.
Musk: Why were the Democratic propaganda machines fired so much to destroy me? that’s right. Main reasons. The main reason is that the fraud of qualifications against illegal aliens serves as a huge magnetic force to attract people from all over the world and keep them here. Essentially, if you pay people at a standard of living that exceeds 90% of the Earth, then 90% of the Earth has a very strong incentive to come and stay here. But if you end an illegal alien scam, you turn off that magnet and they’ll leave. They will stop coming, and what is here will be many of them simply leaving. And if that happens, on a massive scale – they will lose a large number of Democrat voters.
Where should I start? Those who have not been documented to employers who make payroll tax deductions are not legal to those who have not been documented to apply for Social Security, Medicare, or disability. So, contrary to what Musk says, undocumented people are actually helping to pay for the benefit of American citizens. Some legal immigrants have access to these programs, but it takes time for them to qualify.
CNN’s Catherine Shoichet investigated this issue. read more.
Why do people actually move to the US? KFF and the LA Times conducted a survey in 2023, and according to KFF, the main reasons for being cited by immigrants are “better work and education opportunities, a better future for children, and more rights and freedoms.” They add: “Even though it’s small, a significant amount of stock still cites other factors, such as joining families and avoiding dangerous or violent situations.”
US citizenship requires votes in federal and almost every state election. So, millions of people should not cost either party voters, either deporting undocumented people or making life so miserable.
Logan: If that doesn’t happen, they’ll turn those people into voters.
Musk: Right.
The last person to pardon many undocumented citizens was Republican President Ronald Reagan, working with the Democratic-controlled Congress. Another Republican, George W. Bush, has failed to complete a comprehensive, bipartisan immigration programme that every president attempted (or spoke to) and that could illegally provide a path to citizenship for millions of people in the country. Such a path would be long and laborious with these suggestions.
Logan: They were trying to do it.
Mask: In New York, illegal foreigners can already vote in state and city elections, as they have already turned them. Many people don’t know that. In other words, they try to fight it. They’re trying to stop it, but I think it seems that 600,000 people are currently signed up for the vote. Illegal aliens in New York.
Logan: That’s wild!
That’s not true either. New York City sought to grant non-citizens the right to vote in the 2021 local elections, but as CNN wrote at the time, the privilege was granted only to non-citizens who have lived in the city for at least 30 days and are lawful US residents, including green card holders, individuals with worker permits, and DACA holders.
And it was only for local city elections. However, the law has never been enforced and it is still the subject of court battles.
Musk: What’s really happening is that they’re buying voters. That’s really what’s happening. It’s like a huge voter fraud scam. They import voters (sighs), and it’s really just a matter of time. Many people struggle to believe this, but the more you see it, the more you will realize how much of a problem this is and how it is, it is not just a reality – it is an attempt to destroy American democracy. That’s what, in my opinion, is what it really is.
Again, non-citizens cannot vote in federal elections. Undocumented immigrants are also unable to vote in federal elections. There is no way to citizenship for those who are not documented. There are decades of failed efforts to create a long and hard path to citizenship. Multiple efforts had bipartisan support, but it wasn’t enough to pass both the House and Senate. But no one is talking about them seriously now.
MUSK: Take 7 swing states, and in many cases the margin of victory appears to be 20,000 votes. Put 200,000 illegals there, like the 80% chance they vote for DEM, and if it’s only a matter of time before they become citizens, then those swing states will not be swing states in the future. And if they are not swinging, we will become a permanent, one-party nation. A permanent, deep blue socialist nation. That’s what will become America.
Logan: That was the game plan.
Mask: It’s – it’s (game plan) and it’s still a game plan. They were almost successful. If the machine that Kamala’s doll was the representation won, that should have happened.
There is no evidence of undocumented voter fraud. It is also worth noting here that the parties are not exactly monoliths. Both major political parties have moderates. If one party is perceived as being overreached, the other party will get more votes and win the next election. Masks doesn’t think the system will work.
Musk: The reason I became so hardcore for Trump is because for me, this was a fork on the road. Like a very obvious fork on the road. If they spent another four years, they would legalize enough illegals in swing states to make the swing state not in swing state. They’ll just be in blue. Then they will win the president – they will win the house, the Senate, the presidency. They then (The) district, DC, to the state, perhaps Puerto Rico, and packed four additional senators and crammed the Supreme Court, so they would continue to import more institutions to win the House, Judicial, Senate, presidency and solidify their results. Basically, what happened in California?
Logan: Jesus Christ!
Musk: That would have been the end. So I went very hardcore for Trump. Otherwise it would have been over, and that’s why the Democrat machines are so intended to destroy me.
The swing state shifts over time. When one state turns red or blue, another state takes effect. Ohio is now red, and Virginia is now blue, for example, which could surprise anyone who was watching politics in the early 2000s. However, Arizona and Georgia both went swinging. Yes, California was once a Republican state that produced two Republican presidents. But then Texas, where Musk and Logan are currently based, has often voted for Democrats in the past.
Logan: People are so fascinating that they can’t see this.
Musk: So I invite people to do their research and the more they do research, the more they will see what I am saying is absolutely true.
Yes, please investigate!