Get free shipping on most $35 orders using Amazon Prime or get free 2-day free shipping on any size order (you can sign up for a 30-day free trial here).
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Best Buy
My Best Buy Member (Free to Participate) receives free shipping without the need for a minimum purchase. Non-members can get free shipping on orders over $35 or choose free store pickup if available nearby.
Heading here, check out all the best deals from today’s Best Buy!
If available nearby, choose our free curb pickup. Otherwise, shipping costs start at $7.99 or are free on orders over $79.
Shipping is free for orders over $35. You may also be able to opt for a free in-store pickup if the item is in stock and available nearby.
For Target Circle Card Holders, you’ll receive an additional 5% off your order, plus free shipping on orders of any size. However, exclusions apply and Redcard holder orders may require a delivery threshold of $35 or more.
Walmart+ members get free shipping on most orders with no minimum! Otherwise, choose free in-store pickup if it is available nearby. Alternatively, you can send free shipping on orders over $35 the next day. Alternatively, you can pay $6.99 for shipping on orders under $35.