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Costco is the perfect place to stock up on Swedish dish cloth!
Until March 9th, you can visit Costco.com to win 12 packs of Swedish dish cloth for $7.99 (Reg. $12.99) in a variety of fun prints. *Please note that you may be able to find fewer these in your local warehouse.
If you’re not familiar with these popular Swedish dish cloths, they are basically a combination of sponge, paper towels and standard dish cloths. They are absorbent, versatile and durable. Plus, they are plant-based and reusable, just pop into the washing machine or dishwasher!
Check out these 5 star reviews…
When you first use these, they look like very strong sponges, like extremely thin sponges, they don’t tear, machine thrown, and don’t fall apart. Love them and never use sponge or regular dish cloth again. Buy a second set in different colors to distinguish the dishwashing set from the countertop cleaning set.
I bought these in October 2023 and have been using one since. Have the rest for backup. Even after it rings and twists multiple times in a day, the fabric still remains intact! It won’t fray, tear or collapse! High quality product!! I bought it cheaper in the store but worth a little extra.
Check out these other great Costco discoveries!