If the government’s efficiency department shakes x, it will hit veterans who voted for President Donald Trump.
Veterans make up 30% of the federal workforce, with over 60% of veterans saying Trump is their candidate, according to a Pew survey conducted two months before the 2024 election.
One Kansas veteran who voted for Trump describes his termination of bringing down the lives of many of his agency’s employees as a sudden military downgrade.
“Sorry to say this: it was like a pull from Afghanistan,” he said.
He doesn’t want me to identify him by name. He is worried that it will have a negative effect on him.
He still supports Trump and is shrinking the federal government, but it’s not how the administration is moving forward.
“They got there, they thought, ‘We need to shake things up.’ The system is equipped,” he insisted. It was a rash decision. ”
So far, the Trump administration has fired fire based on whether employees are on probation, not only are they awarded to new federal employees, but also to people who have recently been promoted or moved between jobs within the same agency.
There was little accounting for military service, but in at least one case, whether they were actively deployed as National Guard or members of the Preparation.
Sources familiar with the employee situation say that to one agency, not the Department of Defense, to clarify, authorities have learned that they have taken leave from civilian federal jobs for military deployments and fired probation employees.
Agency officials have taken action despite years of federal law that specifically prohibits employers from terminating security guards and protection members from private day jobs while the units are being activated.
Kansas veterans, like many other veterinarians, were sold for working for the federal government outside of the federal government.
Post-management management – including Trump in his first term – defends the employment of veterans who have jobs that affect Americans in Flyover State, not just in the Pentagon but also in government agencies that hold national positions.
“We’re seeing a lot of people on the East Coast and on the D.C. and the West Coast not coming out here,” the Veteran says. The wind is blowing. ”
He found the job he loved at Natural Resources Conservation Services, an agency within the Ministry of Agriculture that was created in 1935 as a direct result of the Dust Bowl.
The agency protects farmland and grasslands, manages basins, manages small dams, and assists areas in recovering from natural disasters.
After fighting the war in Afghanistan, supporting rural communities, farmers and ranchers allowed Kansas veterans to serve in a different way.
It also provided him with something unexpected and valuable. It’s a way to handle his experience in the military. (How to calm things that his military service has stirred up – how his military service has calmed things that are very loud).
“In this position at NRCS, I found my peace,” he said.
“You go from one extreme to another. You go from war and fear to a barbecue with your family in the backyard. It’s difficult to do that,” he explained.
“This job was a way…”
He paused.
“You know that in the army it is a weapon of combat, you see death, destruction, disappointment. This was life, rejuvenation, construction. It was the exact opposite of the origins of the men of weapons fighting us.”
On Wednesday morning, the Merit Systems Protection Board, an independent agency that reinstates and conversely reinstates federal employees’ fire, ordered nearly 6,000 probation workers fired by the USDA to revive for 45 days, waiting to investigate the legality of the shooting.
The order probably covers this veteran, but at the time of the publication of this story, he had not heard from his previous employer that he had done his job.
And this move gives these workers little certainty. Cathy Harris, chairman of the Merit Committee, is tenuous. Trump recently fired her. The judge immediately continued to fire her, but the administration is expected to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.
Last Friday in an oval office, a pool reporter asked Trump if he was tracking how many veterans have been fired so far.
“Yes, we are, and we take care of our veterans,” he said. “And we look at it very carefully, and we hope it will be as few as possible. But we have had great success in slimming government… we love veterans. We take care of them.”
If the Trump administration tracks the number of veterans fired, they have not disclosed it, and many sources familiar with the information used in the initial firing say the status of the veterans was not taken into account.
Veterans are set to sue cases based on ad hoc without much success.
Kansas veterans called the state offices of members of Congress.
He also called for the office of Republican Sen. Jerry Moran, who served almost 30 years in Congress and chaired the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.
“They recalled, ‘We let him know, and he’ll come back to you when he comes back to you. Sorry, he’s a busy person,” the veteran recalled the young staff member who told him.
Kansas veterans wanted an opportunity to seek direct help from lawmakers, but the recent conflict at city hall has spread through word of mouth on social media, prompting many GOP lawmakers to abandon conversations with their members.
“These Skype Calls: These senators and lawmakers are holding these town halls through conference calls,” lamented the veteran. “You have members who voted for you, and you can’t see them? Why not?”
Democrats loudly criticised the administration for firing veterans, introduced bills to revive their work, and invited axed veterinarians as a guest in Trump’s speech to a congressional joint session.
But they are in the minority. They have no votes to pass the law, and they have no ears of the president.
While some Republican lawmakers are hiding from issues that are causing government overhauls to create a community of military and veterans, others are working quietly to deal with the issue.
In February, some lobbyed well behind the scenes the White House to carve out exemptions for military spouses with Trump’s executive orders requiring all federal employees to return directly to work, but the agency still doesn’t even respect those exemptions.
While some GOP lawmakers have quietly lobbyed the administration to rehire looted veterans on a case-by-case basis, many are worried about raising their hands to let them know their identity.
On ranches, as explained by veterans, if you let cows graze pastures to the roots or “oil the dirt” will have consequences.
“There are general rules for grass,” he said. “Take half, leave half.” If you remove more than half of that grass from the pasture… it kills the grass. If there are no those root fibers in that soil to hold that soil together, you will begin to erode. ”
In agriculture, there are also the right and wrong ways to avoid erosion. You can drop too deep the tine of the plough, past the lower soil below, and enter the compressed hard pan earth below, washing away the rain or turning the field into a moonsto blow away by the wind.
“If you’ve ever had a blow dryer on a baby powder at the counter, that’s exactly what it’s doing,” the veteran said. “That’s the type of erosion we’re trying to prevent.”
He talks about sustainable farming practices, but it’s also his rationale for what’s going on with work like him.
“These firings – that’s erosion,” he said, explaining the reduction in work from a soil conservation perspective.
“They have nothing to make this big trench, slow the water, slow their reaction to what they’ve done. There’s no infrastructure there… to hold that water down and keep it in a drip rather than a flood.”
While Kansas veterans don’t regret voting for Trump, he is unhappy with those who chose to carry out his vision for a small government.
He believes their decisions will affect veterans and people in rural communities like him, and are separated from freezing USDA funding for necessary and already approved projects, including projects that address aggressive soil erosion, receiving services provided to veterans, farmers and ranchers.
“My message to the President is that I have faith in you and understand what you’re doing, but I need you to come back from the situation for a moment… see the impact,” the veteran says.
“You can have all these yes men around you, but you also need some NOS.”