The denial of a dog landlord for one long island tenant has bitten a fair housing law and has a reconciliation of the case.
Jamaica of Zara Realty Holding Corp. and Heritage Place LLC is the owner of New Haven Place Luxury ApartMens in Hempstead 451 Fulton Ave. CE LLC is one of the tenants, Malcolm Evans Was a paralyzed complaint of disability discrimination to refuse to permit. I have an emotional support dog.
Evans, which has a disability, made a written request from the landlord for accommodation facilities that could have emotional support animals in his apartment in January 2022, but for the unpapet policy of the building. The request was rejected. In a statement of Long Island Housing Service (LIHS), which Evans later contacted for help.
The Federal Federation Housing Law, the New York State Human Rights, and the Nassou County Law all prohibit residential discrimination based on disability. “Aid animal is not a pet. According to the US and Housing and Housing, the aid animal is a training animal that has been trained, working, working, fulfilling issues, supporting, and treatment. Another animal that provides emotional support may be a complaint in March 2022 (HUD).
Evans’ HUD complaints were relocated to the New York State Human Rights Bureau (NYSDHR) and later contacted LIHS and representatives. LIHS has requested another accommodation on behalf of Evans.
According to a statement, after two complaints were submitted, the landlord tried to get Evans and his wife after acquiring emotional support animals. In her complaint, Emily Evans argued that she had suffered from emotional suffering, extreme mental stress, and great inconvenience for retaliation that the landlord would threaten eviction.
Evans, who decided to move from a complex, was determined by NYSDHR, which recommends hearing. According to the statement, during the hearing, the parties agreed to solve the complaint.
Evanses agreed to resolve two complaints about unreleased financial damage, and the landlord had to display posters of human rights laws in a prominent place in New York’s business.
Ian Wilder, an executive director of LIHS, says that the case protects the person with disabilities and enacts a fair housing law to ensure the accountability of the landlord that violates those laws. He said he emphasized the continuous importance of.
“The US Ministry of Housing City has a clear guidance that the landlord should follow in search of a rational request for accommodations for support animals, which are clearly pointed out by the landlords who have recognized Evans,” says Wilder. I mentioned. “In addition, the New York Human Rights Division requires all housing providers to notify the tenants for the right to accommodation. Both are not enough to comply with the law. We emphasize the need for the landlord’s educational requirements.