Important facts
Cancer is a major cause of death around the world, with nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, and died nearly one in six. The most common cancer is one -third of the death of breast, lungs, colon, rectum, prostate cancer, and cancer. Due to the use of cigarettes, high body trout index, alcohol consumption, low results and vegetables intake, and lack of physical activity. In addition, air pollution is an important danger factor for lung cancer.
Cause of cancer, such as human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis, is about 30 % of cases of cancer cases in low -middle and medium -sized and medium -sized countries.
Cancer is a common term of a large -scale disease group that can affect every part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumors and new organisms. One of the characteristics of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow across normal boundaries, invade the body adjacent, and spread to other organs. The latter process is called metastases. A wide range of metastases are the main causes of cancer death.
Cancer is a major cause of death around the world, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 (1). The most common in 2020 is: from a new viewpoint of cancer.
Breasts (2.26 million cases); lungs (2.21 million cases); colon and rectum (193 million cases); prostate (1.41 million cases); skin (non -blacken);
Stomach (1.09 million).
The most common cause of cancer death in 2020 is:
Lung (1.8 million deaths); colon and rectum (916,000 deaths); liver (death of 830,000 people); stomach (769,000 deaths); Andbrest (685,000 deaths).
Every year, about 400,000 children develop cancer. The most common cancer varies from country to country. Cervical cancer is the most common in 23 countries.
Cancer is generally a multi -stage process that progresses from cancerous lesions to malignant tumors, and occurs from conversion of normal cells into tumor cells. These changes are the results of the interaction between the genetic factors of a person and the following three categories of the following external agents.
Physical carcinogenesis such as ultraviolet rays and ionization radiation; asbestos, tobacco smoke, alcohol (food pollutants), and chemical cancer substances such as arsenic (drinking water pollutants); specific viruses, bacteria, parasites, parasites, parasites. Biological cancer substances such as infectious diseases from.
Through the cancer research institution, the International Cancer Research Institute (IARC) maintains the classification of drugs that cause cancer.
The rate of cancer is probably dramatically increased with age to accumulate specific cancer risks that increase with age. The accumulation of overall risks is combined with the tendency that the effect of the cell repair mechanism decreases as people get older.
Risk factor
Use of cigarettes, alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and air pollution is a risk factor for cancer and other non -infectious diseases.
Some chronic infectious diseases are cancer danger factors. This is a specific problem in low -middle and middle -income countries. Approximately 13 % of cancer diagnosed worldwide in 2018 was due to carcinogenic diseases including helicobacter pylori, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and Epstein BARR virus. (2).
Hepititis B and Civirus and several types of HPV increase the risk of liver and cervical cancer, respectively. HIV infections increase the risk of cervical cancer six times and significantly increase the risk of developing other chosen cancer, such as sarcoma.
Reduce the burden
30-50 % of cancer can now be prevented by avoiding risk factors and implementing a preventive strategy based on existing evidence. The burden on cancer can be reduced by early detection of cancer and appropriate treatment and care for patients that develop cancer. Many cancers are more likely to be treated if they are diagnosed early and properly treated.
You can reduce the risk of cancer:
Do not use cigarettes; maintaining healthy weight; eat healthy meals containing fruits and vegetables; regularly perform physical activity and avoid or reduce alcohol consumption. If vaccination belongs to a recommended group, you will be vaccinated against HPV and hepatitis B. Avoid ultraviolet radiation exposure (mainly exposure to the sun and devices caused by artificial sunburn) and/or sunscreen measurements. Safe and appropriate use of radiation in healthcare (for diagnosis and treatment for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment), minimizes occupation exposure to ionizing radiation. Exposure of outdoor air pollution and indoor air pollution, including radon (radioactive gas generated from the natural collapse of uranium, which may accumulate in homes, schools, and workplaces).
Early detection
If a case is detected and treated early, the cancer mortality rate will decrease. Early detection has two elements: early diagnosis and screening.
Early diagnosis
If it is identified early, cancer is more likely to respond to treatment, not only has a low advertising rate, but may be more likely to survive with cheaper treatment. By detecting cancer early and avoiding care delays, the life of cancer patients can be greatly improved.
Early diagnosis consists of three components.
The symptoms of different forms and the importance of seeking medical advice when an unusual findings are observed; access to clinical evaluation and diagnostic services. Introduction to treatment services.
Early diagnosis of symptomatic cancer is related to all settings and most of the cancer. Cancer programs must be designed to delay diagnosis, treatment, and support care and reduce barriers.
Screening aims to identify a specific cancer or a survey results that suggests a specific pre -acupja before the symptoms develop. If an abnormality is identified during screening, if the cancer is proven, a further test should continue to establish a definitive diagnosis, as well as the introduction for treatment.
The screening program is not a type of cancer, but it is generally not a type of cancer, but it is much more complicated than an early diagnosis because it needs special equipment and a dedicated person in charge. Masu. Even if a screening program is established, an early diagnosis program is still needed to identify cancer cases that are generated by people who do not meet the age or risk factor standard.
The selection of a screening program patient is based on the age and risk factors to avoid excessive misconceptions. The examples of screening methods are as follows.
HPV tests (including HPV DNA and MRNA tests) as modalities preferred for screening cervical cancer. A 50-69 -year -old woman’s breast cancer -like screening in an environment with powerful or relatively powerful medical systems.
Both screening programs and early diagnosis programs require quality assurance.
Since all cancer type requires a specific treatment regimen, correct and effective treatment is essential for cancer diagnosis. Treatments usually include surgery, radiation therapy, and/or systemic therapy (chemotherapy, hormone therapy, target bioteme). The appropriate choice of treatment regimens takes into account both cancer and individuals. The completion of the treatment protocol during the defined period is important to achieve the expected treatment results.
Determining a treatment goal is an important first step. The main goal is to treat cancer or extend it considerably. It is also an important goal to improve the quality of patient life. This can be achieved through the support of the patient’s physical, psychological social, mental happiness and palliative care at the end of cancer.
Some of the most common types of cancer, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, oral cancer, and rectal cancer, are detected early and have high treatment if they are treated according to best practices. 。
Some types of cancer, such as the testes semi -noma, various kinds of leukemia, and lymphoma, are high treatment rates if appropriate treatment is provided, even if cancer cells are present in other areas of the body. have.
However, in countries with different income levels, there is a major fluctuation of treatment use. Comprehensive treatment is said to be available for more than 90 % of high -income countries, but is less than 15 % of low -income countries (3).
Palliative care
Palliative care is a treatment that does not cure symptoms and suffering caused by cancer, but to improve the quality of patients and their families. Palliative care can help people live more comfortably. It is especially necessary in a high percentage of patients at the progress of cancer, which has little potential for treatment.
More than 90 % of patients in the progress of cancer can relax from physical, psychological social, and mental problems through palliative care.
Effective public health strategies, including community and home care, are essential for providing pain relief and palliative care to patients and their families.
Improving access to oral morphine is highly recommended for the treatment of moderate to severe cancer pain. This is because more than 80 % of cancer people are suffering at the end stage.
Who will respond
In 2017, the World Health Council passed the government and who was integrated with the context of the integrated approach (WHA70.12), passed the cancer prevention and control of the cancer, the government prompted, who filed a lawsuit, and specified it as a global action plan. The 2030-year-old Agenda for accelerating actions to achieve the goals and reducing the early mortality rate due to NCDS 2013-2020.
WHO and IARC cooperate with other UN organizations to introduce international atomic energy organizations and cooperate with their partners as follows:
Increase political commitment to cancer prevention and control. Research and implementation on the cause of human cancer and the mechanism of carcinogenesis. Other cost -effective priority strategies for cancer prevention and control. Develop standards and tools for preventing, early diagnosis, screening, treatment, relaxation, easing and survival care. A global strategy to provide global leadership and technical support to support the state and local governments and their partners that help improve access to cancer treatment and accelerate cervical cancer As part of, build and maintain a high -quality cervical cancer control program. In order to accelerate the implementation adjusted through WHO global breast cancer Initiative, we focus on health promotion, timely diagnosis, and access to care. In the case of pediatric cancer using the Cureall approach; especially through a global platform for access to pediatric cancer drugs, increase the access to essential cancer drugs. We also provide technical support for quick and effective relocation of best practices intervention to the country.
(1) Ferlay J, Ervik M, LAM F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros, Global Cancer Observatory: Today’s cancer. Lyon: An international organization for cancer research. 2020 (, accessed in February 2021).
(2) De Martel C, Georges D, Bray F, Ferlay J, Clifford GM. Global burden of cancer caused by 2018 infection: Analysis of global occurrence rate. Lancet Globe Health. 2020; 8 (2): E180-E190.
(3) Evaluation of national abilities for prevention and control of non -infectious diseases: Report of global surveys in 2019. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2020.