He won a bachelor’s degree and Cam Nolde at the University of Turaine, and obtained a legal degree at Washington and Lee University’s Faculty of Law.
The Baton Rouge Area Chamber was nominated as a member of the 2025 leadership baton rouge class.
The selected participants represent the cross section of the capital, citizens, and non -profit communities.
The members of the 2025 class are as follows.
Jennifer Anderson, Mary Bird Parkins Cancer Center. Ross Armstrong, 4thFLR, 4thFLR Foundation. JUDE AH AUGUST, Safe Place Counseling and Consulting. DRAKE BOUDREAUX, LWCC; Daniel Brown, Google | YouTube; Hunter brown, educational data solution. Chelsea Bramfield, American Cancer Association. Baton Rouge City Reginal Blumfield. Visit Laura Cating and Baton Rouge. Jason Couvin, T. Baker Smith. Ashlyn color, LSU AGCENTER; Megan Colman Wick, emergency method. Casey Coffin, Campus Federal Credit Association. LSU LEADERSHIP Development Institute, Lacy Dicharry; Katasha Edwards, East Baton Rouge Division School System. Tyler Fasanella, Gallagger. Brucross Blue Shield, Marsha Foster in Louisiana. Jude Franklin, Franklin Associates. Worley Engineering Group, Jesse Lee Guillory. Lori Halvauson, the city baton rouge. Baton Rouge Nose Economic Development District, Baton Rouge, April Ho -Sone. Morgan Hilly D, Prosperity Foundation. Natasha James, All Star Community Care. Kio Johnson, the Francisco Association of the Our Lady University, Anthony B. Kenny, East Baton Rouge District Metro Council 2. Laticia King, Metro Molfes; Ali Laundry, Foundation of Women. Justin Mannino, Taylor Porter. Courtney Messa, Tichi Four America Grator Baton Rouge. Catherine Moore, Breezeour, Saxo & Wilson. Carla Powell Lewis, East Baton Rouge Division Board of Education and Spirit of Excellence Learning System. Katie Pretty, Baton Rouge Health District. Joseph Robins, J. Robins CPA and Wealth Collector. Melodylobinson, melodro -robinson agency. Jessica Sharon, Baton Rouge Junior League. Megan Sias, BASF; Maggie Sparrock, Baton Rouge Area Chamber. The way to David Tidwell, Hope Ministory/Baton Rouge. MEAGAN WEST, WESTWARD STRATEGies; Matt Zagotti, Ryan.