Pushing to crack down on the voting initiative by Governor Florida, Ron Desantis, may have an unexpected consequences of the most prominent resident of President Donald Trump.
Republican member Desantis has proposed a drastic overhaul for the revision of the Citizens Remarks of the State Constitution. Includes new restrictions that opponents are almost impossible for Floridans to change the state law through voting rights.
If it is realized, Trump’s many years of ambition to establish a casino in the Miami area can be complicated. This is because Florida’s constitution states that gambling expanding requires voters’ approval through the constitutional amendment of citizens.
The potential impact on Trump’s business empire adds unexpected wrinkles to the governor’s latest initiatives to integrate Florida’s political power. And it’s another twist for the tense relationship between the winding and the Trump and the Trump, because they coexist in the backyard they shared.
It is unknown whether Desantis knows Trump’s fallout if his plan succeeds. The governor’s office spokesman refused to comment and pointed out the official statement of Desantis on his proposal, which has not dealt with the impact on gambling. Desantis and Trump did not speak for a while after the bitter President of the Republican President in 2024, but then made peace. Desanthis attended an event that Trump hosted earlier this month for his Maragago real estate for the Governor of the Republican Party, and they recently played golf.
Florida’s law changes can occur rapidly. Desantis has called the Ibon Congress to a special session from Monday to press pressure to move his plan quickly. This is a hinder of what has been used by voters for many years to avoid the rule of the Republican Party and enact the general measures.
In Florida, citizens can force the constitution to revise the constitution in the entire state of the state, if a petition signature is collected from 8 % of the voting population (about 900,000).
The group trying to change the constitution under the bills published by the Desantis office could not collect signatures in the most traditional way. Instead, each Florida needs to independently request a form in local election offices to express and express the support for Initiative.
Collecting two or more signatures other than yourself is a three -time felony in Florida, and the bill prohibits an essentially organized petition drive.
“It’s to destroy the Citizens’ Initiativ Process in Florida, the Democratic Party consultant who supervised the minimum wage and a successful referendum in Florida to raise the minimum wage and legalize medical marijuana. Ben Polara said. “This is not like the past that they make it more difficult or more expensive. This simply kills it, it is not something you can go through your way.”
Desantis states that “enhancing consistency” in Florida’s petition process requires proposed laws. He claimed that Florida’s voting has been hijacked by special benefits in recent years. Special interests often spend millions of dollars to pay for experts to get priority in front of voters.
“Our constitution should not be sold to the highest bidder, so reforms are needed,” Desantis said earlier this month.
The members of the Diet do not show whether they are ready to follow the Desantis. Republican legislative leaders have expressed the rarely and stunning RE responsibilities of the party in skepticism on the need for a special session. Desantis also asks a member of the Diet to further adjust the Immigration Law in Florida this week.

Florida’s seminol, which runs casinos throughout the state and has exclusive rights to provide sports betting and table games like blackjack, is one of the largest beneficiaries proposed by Desantis. I think it will be. The constitutional amendment in 2018, approved by voters, mainly in the $ 46 million campaign funded by The Tribe and Walt Disney Co., and to change the constitution before expanding the gambling. We explicitly demand to pass initiative.
The change proposed by DASANTIS can effectively ensure the mysterious monopoly of most of the tribes for gambling and moisturize the Trump’s dream of running a Las Vegas style casino in the sunshine. A law expert told CNN.
“This proposal will seal the sports betting and casino gambling in Florida,” a law that focuses on gambling in the gaming industry, fantasy sports websites, and casino gambling. Daniel Wallach, the founder of the office, said. “It is unprecedented for a nation with as much population as Florida.”
The revision in 2018 is already a major hurdle for gambling expansion. The sufficiently funded efforts supported by the Casino Power House Las Vegas Sand and the online sports betting company’s Fandduel and Draft Kings failed to set up a game referendum on Florida voting.
Another issue is from Florida’s own state law, which requires 60 % of voters to approve the constitutional amendment. This was two voting initiatives last year (one legalized recreation marijuana, and it was unable to satisfy the high threshold for another person to expand abortion access.
“It’s already difficult today,” said John Rockwood, a lawyer in Florida, who has a wealth of experience navigating the state gambling policy. “You will pass this law and completely close the door to the new non -tribal competition in Florida.”
Rockwood added that if it passed, it would run directly to this law, saying, “I will run directly to this law.”
Wallach agreed on the surface that it would make it more difficult to achieve “Trump is a full Vegas -style game resort or a real store casino”, but he is creative with the tribes on both sides. I was motivated to say that I could have a job.
He did not discount Trump’s unique shaking against Floridans to overcome the disability laid out for future referendums.
“He is probably one of the few individuals who can whip such a signature support,” said Wallach.

Florida’s seminols have financially supported Desantis’ political ambitions, including the Republican presidential election against Trump. The tribes donated $ 2 million to the state political committee, ultimately provided funds to the Federal Super PAC lined up in Desantis, and supported the recently failed White House bidding. The tribes also donated $ 1 million directly to back and down, and in 2022 gave millions to the Republican Governor’s Association, one of the Desantis top donors.
This donation was given after Desantis was awarded the tribe to the tribe of the tribe to operate mobile and face -to -face sports gambling in the state under the new game compact signed in 2021. Ta.
A spokesman Gary Bitner, who was asked if the seminol tribes supported Desantis’s proposed laws, said, “What should I do?” ”
Trump, who once operated a casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, decorates the tower of apartments at Golf Resort in Dral and Sunny Isls Beach in Florida, but to expand its business business for several decades in South Florida. I explored some means. state.
Here, his efforts to secure gambling licenses were flash points in the 2016 Republican Presidential Election. Former Governor Florida, one of his rivals, suggested in a debate that Trump in the 1990s tried to purchase a license through a campaign donation.
Bush said, “I wouldn’t buy anyone,” said Bush, who failed.
Trump called the claim “completely false.”
“If I wanted it, I would have got it,” Trump replied in their discussion.
It seems that Trump’s organization is approaching to acquire gambling licenses in Florida. The state’s 2021 game compact included the provisions of seminols that would disrupt a new gambling facility of more than 15 miles from tribal hard rock hotels and casino harrows.
Trump’s Dral Resort is outside 15 miles from the casino. Voters need to approve a new casino in the referendum.
The Trump organization did not respond to comment requests.
Eric Trump, who took over the Trump organization’s management shortly after his father first gained presidential position, told the Washington Post at that time, “there is no comparison from the game perspective.”
“There is no property of Southern Florida in the 700 -acres,” said a young Trump in e -mail. “Needless to say, the center of Miami.”