Federal judge said on Thursday that President Donald Trump’s President’s Citizen’s Rights had issued a “blatant unconstitutional” and issued a temporary suppression order to block it.
Judge John Connow, the appointment of Ronald Reagan sitting in Seattle, requested Nick Brown, Washington, and the other three Democratic states, the following 14 days policies. I acknowledged that the implementation was suspended, but it was a legal challenge.
“I’ve been on the bench for over 40 years. I can’t remember another case where the presented questions were clear,” said Coughenour.
The judge asked when he decided to sign an administrative order, “Where was the lawyer?” He said that the bar members would “shake”, saying that the order would claim that the order was a constitution.
Democratic’s led state claims that Trump’s presidential order is an explicit violation of the 14th revision of the Constitution, so he is seeking a temporary inhibition order.
Lane Porozora, a lawyer in Washington, told the judge that the birth cannot be paused while the court is considering the case.
“The baby is born today, the plaintiff’s state, and nationwide, and the clouds are throwing their citizenship,” said Porozola.
He added that the children would face “long -term adverse effects in the long term”, who would deny citizenship under Trump’s order.
Porozora also claimed that the Trump administration not only ignored the harm of the submitted documents submitted in the dispute, but also “seem to be the purpose of the administrative order.”
Beyond the impact of Trump’s orders on the residents, Washington and other states argue that the end of gorgeous citizenship will be financially and logistically burdened. Citizen.
The Trump administration has an immigrant child whose president is not documented due to the “subject of jurisdiction”, and children whose parents are legally attending, but lack a permanent legal status. He claims that it will be possible to exclude even.
The Justice Ministry of Justice, Brett Schmate, urged the judge to refrain from issuing an emergency order to block the policy until more explanation of the policy.
“I understand your concern,” said Sumate, but he urged the court to make no “snaps on merit.”
SHUMATE pointed out that other cases that challenged the presidential decree are moving on a slow timeline, arguing that the “approaching damages” threaten the state.
In the White House on Thursday, Trump told reporters that the administration would disagree with the ruling.
This week, another lawsuit by another group of the Democratic Corporation, immigration groups, and individual plaintiffs was brought this week.
At a status meeting held on Thursday in one of these incidents, the lawyer of the Judicial Ministry did not know the federal institution that took measures to start the execution of the next month to Maryland. He said. The challenge was brought by immigration rights organizations and pregnant women.
“The administrative order was issued three days before the change of management, and the development of the necessary policies to implement it,” said Deborah, a lawyer Brad Rosenberg. He told the Boardman District Judge.
The judge plans to consider a request by plaintiffs to temporarily block orders during the hearing on February 5.
On the other hand, in the case of a case raised by the US Freedom Union, other civil rights and immigration groups in New Hampshire, the Federal Authority set up a hearing on February 10 and so far to prevent the order of order. A hearing was set to consider the request of the group. 。
This story was updated by additional development.
CNN’s Devan Cole has contributed to this report.