Below are some of the top headlines from other news outlets around Virginia. Some content may be behind a paywall.
Democrats push for a $15 minimum wage, Republicans raise concerns about businesses. — Virginia Mercury.
Richmond has selected a company to investigate the failure of its water treatment plant. — Richmond Times-Dispatch (paywall).
Blacksburg City Council will consider disciplinary action against council members. — Roanoke Times (paywall).
Waste options are taking longer after Campbell County refused to expand its landfill. — (Lynchburg) News & Advance (paywall).
Roanoke is looking to seize and sell a downtown parking lot beset by tax and legal issues. — Roanoke Rambler (subscription).
A legal battle erupts over the restoration of the Shenandoah Railroad. — Virginia Mercury.
Virginia Beach gives Pharrell Williams music festival five days due to breach of contract. — Virginia Business (paywall).
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