A mysterious drone looming over the tri-state region is likely a deliberate sabotage by a foreign power seeking to cover up other nefarious activities in the United States, an expert has claimed.
“These drones and this activity are on a massive scale for a hobbyist’s work,” said Gordon Chan, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute think tank and author of “Plan Red: China’s Plan to Destroy America.” It’s too organized.” fox business.
“And that leaves us with a foreign power. It could be Iran, it could be Iran with ties to China, but clearly someone is trying to get our attention,” he said. claimed to have reported numerous sightings.
“What I’m really concerned about is that if they’re trying to get our attention to these drones, the question is what are they doing in other parts of our country?” Therefore, there is a good chance of being attacked,” Chan warned.
Mysterious drones have been stalking the East Coast in recent weeks, particularly New York and New Jersey, with at least 3,000 sightings reported in the Garden State this month alone.
The Federal Aviation Administration said it began receiving reports on Nov. 18.
Here’s what we know about the mysterious drone flying over the East Coast.
Tensions over mysterious flying objects reached a crescendo in New York on Saturday after Governor Hochul declared it was time to take action.
“This has gone too far,” he said in a statement, calling on federal authorities to allow local police to shoot down the drone.
Hochul announced Sunday that federal authorities have given permission to deploy a high-tech drone detection system to New York state to assist in the investigation.