At 78 years old, Trump is the oldest candidate in the race since President Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential race, and if re-elected he would be 82 years old at the end of his term, making him the oldest president in U.S. history. It will be. Mr. Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race stems in part from questions about his age and cognitive health, which continues to raise concerns about Mr. Trump’s campaign. mental state.
Details that have emerged about President Trump’s health date back to when he was president, including high cholesterol and obesity. He also boasted He talked about being tested for dementia, but his recollection was that all the details of the test were wrong. Perhaps that’s just the tip of the iceberg, and there are even more sinister details that President Trump doesn’t want the public to know.
But the less President Trump discloses to the public, the more speculation there will be. If the former president has nothing to hide and his health is as good as he claims, transparency should be emphasized and detailed records made public. Especially since he’s vying for the most powerful job in the world.