Most users are frustrated that Amazon doesn’t show results that are even remotely relevant to their search keywords, making the shopping experience boring.
Shopping on Amazon is becoming daunting for many people due to its frustrating algorithms and exaggerated product images. TikTok user Louis DeFelice posted a quirky video on his handle (@ballet_felice) that garnered 1.1 million views. This shows an interesting conversation between shoppers and the Amazon search engine. He began the video by saying, “I’m looking to buy a standard black men’s t-shirt,” to which the search engine shared the following prompt: Amazon’s Choice for Black T-Shirts T-Shirts Men’s Classic T Black T-Shirts Men’s Sports Day Outings General T-Shirts for Staying Home T-Shirts Men’s Classic T Black T-Shirts” In response, shoppers responded with an amused comment, “It’s very long. “That’s the name, but what’s the brand?” When I searched, the brand name YNPYSTTSY came up.
Snapshot from video. Image source: TikTok|@ballet_felice
A comedy skit then unfolds in which shoppers ask search engines about reviews and have imaginary conversations. I was then told there were 4,000 5-star reviews and 1,000 4-star reviews. Instead of getting angry, the customer found himself reading reviews for another product that didn’t interest him. And it begs the question, “Why do all the models look a little different?” The search engine imitator sarcastically replies, “That’s right. All of our models have been certified as AI-generated weirdos.” To satisfy the algorithm’s curiosity, the user as a customer asks, “Could these all be the same shirt from the same factory?” He nods affirmatively in response. Amazon’s search algorithm is not only skeptical, but it can also be very frustrating.
Snapshot from video. Image source: TikTok|@ballet_felice
@Alex commented, “xxxxxs are $5, but if you want the M it’s $345.97.” @Karissa Noelle commented, “Literally everything is $30.” @Hug Manatee commented, “What’s even worse is when you need something very specific, like a replacement water filter for a specific refrigerator model, but there are still 700 different options at different price points.” did. @Exidecml commented, “Delivery tomorrow! It will arrive within 3-5 business days.” @MeamoRamon commented, “Nowadays I feel like it’s faster to go to a store than to look online for products that aren’t absolutely expensive garbage.”
Screenshot of the comments below the video. Image source: TikTok|@ballet_felice
@Emma Smith said, “I always laugh at the AI photos and weird text written in broken English. It says other shirts are crunchy, but mine is We use soft and high-quality fabrics.” @haylee commented, “I’m so happy that people are finally starting to realize how horrible Amazon is.” @Thot Howard commented, “Amazon is just Shein now, but with higher prices and faster shipping.” @Spooky wrote, “Women’s dresses please! Amazon: Whisk, sour bubble gum, and toddler-sized shoes! No. Oh, sorry. ‘Literally a board game’, sorry! No.” commented. @Matt commented, “Because I’m concerned that Amazon is currently making money from sellers and turning a blind eye to sellers.”
Screenshot of the comments below the video. Image source: TikTok|@ballet_felice
Viewers have mixed opinions, with some saying Amazon is simply stealing customers with low-quality products. Most of them are frustrated that Amazon doesn’t show results even remotely related to their search keywords, making their shopping experience boring.
For more humorous content like this, follow Louis DeFelice (@ballet_felice).
This article was originally published 6 months ago.