Even after the immediate threat of flooding from a hurricane passes, residents may still face potential health issues from the water and what it leaves behind.
Floods are more than just rain. They are often contaminated with sewage, bacteria, and chemicals. Sharp objects made of metal or glass can also hide in murky water.
Environmental activist Wilma Subra said exposure to sewage-contaminated floodwaters can irritate the skin and cause boils and rashes, especially on parts of the body that have been submerged in water for an extended period of time. Brief skin contact with flood water is fine, but even minor cuts and scrapes can provide entry points for harmful bacteria and viruses.
Chemicals in floodwaters can also cause rashes and skin and eye burns after exposure.
Floods can transmit diseases. The World Health Organization says this is a constant problem in developing countries, where diseases such as cholera, typhoid and yellow fever are present. However, none of these diseases are common in the United States, so the likelihood of this type of outbreak occurring is very low.
More common in the United States are bouts of diarrhea and other stomach problems after people come into contact with contaminated floodwaters or eat or drink contaminated items. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said flooding could contaminate drinking water, especially from private wells. These wells must be inspected before use if they come into contact with flood water.
For municipal water, state and local health departments will make recommendations as to whether it should be boiled or treated before use.
Using items soaked in flood water can also cause stomach problems. To prevent children from getting sick, the CDC strongly recommends that parents not allow children to play with toys that are submerged in water unless they are disinfected with a 1-ounce bleach solution (about 1/8 cup). Add to 2 gallons of water.
According to the WHO, some studies have shown that exposure to floodwaters can increase the risk of ear, nose and throat diseases, but most of these problems are related to individual cases. It is said that it does not develop into an infectious disease. According to the WHO, there were 14 major floods between 1970 and 1994, but the only major outbreak of diarrheal disease occurred in Sudan in 1980.
People who have to stay in close quarters with large groups are more likely to occasionally contract gastroenteritis or respiratory infections. In flood situations, it is difficult for people to maintain healthy hygiene standards, and when people stay in shelters in large groups, it is easy for germs to spread.
The CDC recommends that people staying in shelters take extra precautions to prevent the spread of disease and wash their hands regularly or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
After flood waters recede and people are allowed to return to their homes, doctors often see an increase in respiratory infections. Pollution from flooding and mold, which grows rapidly in warmer environments like Florida and Georgia, can worsen asthma and cause allergies.
The CDC recommends wearing rubber boots and gloves when cleaning your home and avoiding direct contact with floodwater items. Experts also recommend wearing masks and respirators.
If flood water has entered your home, dry your home as soon as possible to prevent mold. If the rain stops, open windows and doors to speed up the process. Use a dehumidifier if you have electricity, and place fans on doors and windows to blow air outside instead of inside to prevent mold from spreading.
Walls, floors, and anything with hard surfaces that came in contact with flood water, such as appliances, countertops, and children’s play areas, should be washed with soap and water and disinfected with a bleach solution. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, if walls or floors need to be replaced or refinished, everything should be thoroughly cleaned and dried to prevent mold from forming.
Wash the fabric in hot water or dry clean. Furniture such as non-perishable beds, upholstered sofas, and chairs should be sprayed with disinfectant after drying in the sun. Carpets should be steam cleaned.
Food and drinks that have come in contact with flood water should be discarded. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration advises people to throw away prescription medications, even if they are in the original container or have a screw cap, because they may become unsafe if they come into contact with contaminated water. Masu.
Risks from standing water: animals and electrocution
Floodwaters typically wash away mosquitoes and interrupt their breeding cycles, but when the waters recede, they increase the risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile and Zika, which a 2019 study showed Masu.
Disease-carrying mosquitoes breed in standing water, and they breed quickly when there is a lot of water. For example, after Hurricane Katrina, areas directly affected experienced a sharp increase in West Nile infections.
The CDC recommends that people who work or live near standing water take special care to use bug sprays that contain DEET or picaridin. Wear long sleeves, pants, and socks when outdoors, even if it’s warm, to avoid mosquito bites.
Mosquitoes aren’t the only insect or animal to worry about after a storm. When snakes are evacuated by floods, they often seek shelter and food closer to humans than usual. Flood-damaged buildings can attract snakes because they can easily enter and hide under debris.
Wildlife experts recommend wearing snake repellent boots that are at least 10 inches tall, and that people cleaning debris should avoid putting their fingers under the debris, instead placing their fingers above it if possible. Please try to grab it from
Other creatures that may be displaced by flooding include ants, rodents, spiders, reptiles, alligators, and even household pets. The CDC recommends keeping your distance to avoid being bitten.
Standing water can also become charged due to submerged power lines or fallen power lines that are underground but still live. This carries the risk of electrocution.
Still, research shows that the biggest health concern from flooding may be psychological in nature, beyond flooding.
Hurricanes and floods cause anxiety, depression, and stress. Storms can worsen existing mental health problems or create new ones.
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Stress and psychological distress are common during and after natural disasters. You may cry more easily, have difficulty sleeping, have a particularly strong feeling of worry or a desire to be alone, and may have trouble thinking, remembering things, and listening to others. Experts say accepting help may also be difficult.
Although some people develop problems related to the lingering challenges associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, the majority of those affected should recover over time.
Experts say human nature is resilient and most people can adapt over time after a disaster. People who have strong ties with family, friends, and co-workers tend to recover best, so experts suggest paying close attention to those relationships to speed recovery.
Counseling is recommended for those who have persistent mental problems. The federal government offers a Disaster Distress Helpline to assist people suffering from mental health issues due to the storm. Our toll-free number, staffed by mental health professionals, is 1-800-985-5990.
Research shows that suicide can also be a risk after natural disasters. 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides free emotional support and connects people with community resources in a mental health crisis. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is comprised of more than 200 regional crisis centers across the country.